Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Students had their AIDS/HIV educational discussion with Mr. Ness today. May I encourage you to have another discussion with them. Mr. Ness suggested questions like How can you get AIDS or how can you NOT get AIDS. Things like not becoming "blood brothers or sisters" and being very careful at the scene of an accident where blood is visual were brought up as ways to get AIDS. Kissing, hugging, or shaking hands with someone will not spread AIDS. In fifth grade the discussion is about blood to blood contact not sexual. If you want to go there I think that is important. They will get that information in 6th grade however. He said that fifth graders just think that AIDS appears like a cold out of no where. They do not understand that it is passed on from one person to another through blood. We appreciate you following up with this serious matter. 

Library books are due this week in order to avoid fines. Students that turned them in today during library class earned $500.00 fake dollars. Please help children find lost books. 

I have made it to most baseball team games. I know of one team that I have missed, but will catch it on Wednesday hopefully. If I have not seen your child play in a sport, and they want me to please have them give me a schedule so I can plan ahead. With two kids it is hard for me to see games or concerts last minute. Thanks and thanks for including me in your outside lives! Fun!!

Finally, the permission slips that I said came home last night came home today. With the concert yesterday we ran out of time to discuss them. If students fill out and return the form tomorrow they can earn $200.00 fake dollars. Have a great night!