Sunday, May 3, 2009

Is It Friday Yet?

Welcome back. I hope you enjoyed your three day weekend. This Friday will be here before we know it! We will be heading to the Museum of the Rockies at 7:30 a.m. Students need to be in the classroom no later than 7:15 that morning, chaperones as well. Students are allowed to bring approved snacks and resealable beverages. We discussed the approved sizes of drinks in class on Friday. Students were told NOT to push the limits. We also discussed that the bus will be left in the exact same condition it was when we got on the bus...clean. Please remember students may NOT bring cell phones or any electronic devise. Cameras are allowed, but not their phone cameras. We will be checking in at the office throughout the day, and I will have my cell phone on the entire time. It is going to be an exciting trip and a great experience for all those that have worked very hard since Christmas to earn/save their fake money. Those that are unable to attend will still be required to come to school on Friday. An alternate location and assignment packet will be given to them on Thursday so they know where to report that Friday morning. 

Tomorrow we will be viewing the movie, Bridge to Terabithia. Students may bring a appropriate drink and I will supply the popcorn. No coffee or energy drinks please. Don't forget to finish up those sandwich book reports tonight. They are due tomorrow at 8:30 am.  

Have a great Sunday, and if students watch Fridays Morning Minute WITH you and both parent and student answer the toolbox question in the planner students can earn an extra $100. Enjoy!