Next, this Wednesday is our bike trip to Hawthorne Park. We will be leaving here at 11:00 sharp. Students will need to have their own working bike, helmet, lunch, and drink. We will have a car to put lunches in. All and any parent(s) are welcome to come along for the ride. Just show up at 11 ready to go. Remember, this trip costs a thousand fake dollars to attend. Students that do not have the money to participate will have an alternative placement.
Wednesday is also our viewing of the movie Miracle. We will be watching it first thing in the morning. Students will need to pay $500.00 fake dollars to view. Popcorn and drink will cost extra. They may NOT bring their own. We will be watching it with Mrs. Warren's class in our room. Students may bring pillows and blankets if they choose to be comfortable! BELIEVE!
This Thursday at 10:15 I would like to invite all parents to attend our goodbye to fifth grade party. I will be addressing each student and giving them their goodbye gift. It should take about an hour. It would be awesome if you could also stay and have lunch with your child that day at 11:15 as well. Don't forget BUG club is also on Thursday at 1:15. Watch for tomorrow's post to see if your child has earned a BUG club award. Thursday will also be the day that students bring home all their stuff. Please make sure that students have their backpacks on this day. They do not need to bring anything on Friday. Thursday will also be the last day students will need their planner. Yay!
Friday is our last day together. I have planned an extra special activity for the kids that I know they are going to LOVE!!! It involves special guests that called and asked if they could come visit again. I am not going to tell ya who it is, but I know they are all going to dig it!! Super fun!
Report cards will go home with students on Friday. They may not be given out early. If your child will not be at school on Friday you can send in a self addressed stamped envelope and the report card will be mailed over the summer. Also, don't forget that students are dismissed on Friday at 11:45 am. Summer here we come!!
The rest of the time in the classroom will continue to focus on academics. We are going to finish reading Hatchet and hopefully watch the movie. We are also going to get through the Revolutionary War in Social Studies. There will be no spelling test this week.
As you can see we have a TON to get done in the next four and a half days. I know that it is an exciting time but my expectations still stand firm. Please remind your children that school is where they learn and that includes the last days of the 180 we allot. Thanks so much!